Skin Health & Beauty Clinic

Scalp Micropigmentation in Bournemouth


Scalp Micropigmentation serves as the ultimate solution for hair loss concerns, suitable for both men and women. This safe, non-surgical technique replicates natural hair follicles, providing the appearance of a closely-shaven scalp. Known as SMP or a hair tattoo, it ensures a consistently full head of hair.

Cost of Scalp Micropigmentation

The number of sessions varies, with most cases requiring three sessions, potentially a fourth. Pricing depends on the treatment stage. Contact us for a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and find the optimal solution.

If you have SMP inquiries and prefer initial research, explore our FAQs for comprehensive information about this treatment.

The provided information indicates that the cost of Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is from £500 per session , and in most cases, three sessions are required. Keep in mind that these figures are general estimates and the actual cost can vary based on additional factors such as geographic location, the experience of the practitioner, and any specific requirements for your individual case.

For precise and personalized pricing, it is advisable to consult directly with an SMP practitioner. They can assess your specific needs, determine the extent of treatment required, and provide an accurate quote based on your unique circumstances. Additionally, inquire about whether the quoted price includes follow-up sessions or if they are billed separately, as this can influence the overall cost.

Scalp Micropigmentation Hairlines in Bournemouth

Hairlines are pivotal in the Scalp Micropigmentation procedure, serving as the immediate focal point of your hair. A natural hairline ensures a subtle change, making it nearly impossible for others to discern the SMP treatment. Justin adheres to the “5 Point Hairline” for symmetry, drawing it during the initial session. After defining the perfect hairline for your face, Justin uses various shades and densities to achieve the most authentic appearance.


Frequently Asked



Is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Painful?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is generally considered to be a minimally painful procedure. The level of discomfort experienced during SMP can vary from person to person, as pain tolerance varies. Here are some key points to consider:

Topical Anesthetics: Most practitioners use topical anesthetics to numb the scalp before the procedure, which helps minimize discomfort during the SMP process.

Individual Sensitivity: Some individuals may still experience mild discomfort, such as a sensation of small pricks or a vibrating feeling. However, this is usually well-tolerated.

Post-Procedure Sensation: After the procedure, it’s common for the scalp to feel slightly tender or sensitive for a short period. This discomfort is typically mild and diminishes as the scalp heals.

Pain Management: If you are concerned about pain, you can discuss pain management options with your SMP practitioner. They can provide guidance on what to expect and how to manage any post-procedure discomfort.

While discomfort is typically minimal, individual experiences can vary. It’s advisable to choose a reputable and experienced practitioner for SMP, as their skill and technique can contribute to a more comfortable and successful procedure. If you have specific concerns about pain, discussing them with your SMP practitioner beforehand can help address any apprehensions you may have.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) a permanent solution?

Yes, SMP is considered a long-lasting solution for hair loss. The pigments used in the procedure are designed to retain their color for an extended period. While SMP is not technically permanent, as the pigments may fade over time, it offers a semi-permanent result. The longevity of SMP can vary among individuals and is influenced by factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and lifestyle. Periodic touch-ups may be recommended to maintain the desired appearance. It’s advisable to consult with a qualified SMP practitioner to discuss individual expectations and care for optimal and lasting results.



How does Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) or Scalp Hairline Tattoing work?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP), also known as Scalp Hairline Tattooing, is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to address hair loss and create the illusion of a fuller head of hair. The process involves the following key steps:

Consultation: Before the procedure, there is typically a consultation with an SMP practitioner. During this consultation, the client discusses their desired outcome, and the practitioner assesses factors such as skin type, hair color, and the degree of hair loss.

Hairline Design: The practitioner works with the client to design a natural-looking hairline. Factors such as face shape and symmetry are considered to create a hairline that complements the individual’s features.

Application of Pigment: Tiny, specialized needles are used to deposit pigment into the upper dermal layer of the scalp. This process replicates the appearance of hair follicles or adds density to existing hair, depending on the client’s needs.

Layering and Blending: The practitioner may use various shades and densities of pigment to create a three-dimensional effect that mimics the natural growth of hair. This layering and blending contribute to a realistic and seamless look.

Multiple Sessions: SMP is often performed over multiple sessions to build up the desired density gradually. Each session allows the client and practitioner to assess progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Healing and Maintenance: After each session, there is a healing period during which the scalp may be slightly tender. Following proper aftercare instructions is crucial. Additionally, periodic touch-up sessions may be recommended over time to maintain the pigment’s vibrancy and address any fading.

SMP provides a low-maintenance and long-lasting solution for individuals dealing with hair loss. It is essential to choose a skilled and experienced practitioner for the best results.



What are potential side effects of SMP Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is generally considered a safe procedure, but like any cosmetic treatment, it may have potential side effects. It’s important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary. Common side effects may include:

  1. Redness and Irritation: Some redness and irritation of the scalp are normal immediately after the procedure. This usually subsides within a day or two.

  2. Swelling: In some cases, there may be mild swelling, especially around the forehead or eyes. This is typically temporary and resolves on its own.

  3. Itching: The scalp may itch during the healing process. It’s important not to scratch the treated area to avoid disrupting the pigmentation.

  4. Tenderness: The scalp may feel tender or sore for a few days following the procedure. This discomfort is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

  5. Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the pigments used. A patch test before the procedure can help identify potential allergies.

  6. Colour Changes: Over time, the pigments used in SMP may undergo subtle colour changes. Periodic touch-ups can address any fading or discoloration.

It’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the our SMP practitioner to minimise the risk of complications and promote proper healing. Additionally, choosing Skin Health & Beauty Clinic’s reputable and experienced practitioners reduces the likelihood of side effects. Before undergoing SMP, it’s advisable to discuss any concerns or pre-existing conditions with the practitioner during the consultation. If any unexpected or severe side effects occur, seeking prompt medical attention is recommended.

How many sessions are needed for SMP Scalp Micropigmentation?

The number of sessions needed for Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can vary based on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss, desired results, and the practitioner’s technique. However, here is a general guideline:

  1. Typical Sessions: Most individuals undergo 2 to 4 sessions to achieve the desired result. These sessions are spaced apart to allow for the healing of the scalp and the gradual buildup of pigment.
  2. Initial Session: The first session is crucial for establishing the foundation of the SMP treatment. During this session, the practitioner designs the hairline, establishes the density, and begins the process of creating the illusion of hair follicles.
  3. Follow-up Sessions: Subsequent sessions allow for adjustments, additional layering, and refinement. These sessions build upon the work done in the initial session, ensuring a natural and seamless appearance.
  4. Touch-up Sessions: Periodic touch-up sessions may be recommended over the years to maintain the vibrancy of the pigment and address any fading that occurs over time.

It’s important to note that individual responses to SMP can vary, and some clients may achieve their desired results in fewer sessions, while others may require more. Our practitioner, at Skin Health & Beauty Clinic will assess the progress during each session and make recommendations based on the client’s unique needs and goals.

Before starting SMP, it’s advisable to discuss the expected number of sessions, the overall treatment plan, and any concerns with the SMP practitioner at Skin Health & Beauty Clinic during the initial consultation.

How long does the SMP Scalp Micropigmentation procedure take?

he duration of the Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) procedure can vary depending on factors such as the extent of the treatment, the complexity of the case, and the practitioner’s technique. However, here is a general guideline:

  1. Single Session: A single SMP session typically lasts between 2 to 4 hours. During this time, our practitioner will work on designing the hairline, depositing pigment, and creating the appearance of hair follicles.

  2. Multiple Sessions: Most individuals undergo multiple sessions to achieve the desired density and natural look. These sessions are usually spaced apart, allowing time for the scalp to heal and for adjustments to be made in subsequent sessions.

  3. Total Duration: The complete SMP treatment, including all sessions, may span several weeks to a few months. The overall timeframe depends on the individual’s goals, the recommended number of sessions, and the scheduling of follow-up appointments.

It’s essential to consult with our  SMP practitioner, at Skin Health & Beauty Clinic, during the initial session to get a personalised estimate of the time required for the complete treatment plan. Factors such as the size of the treatment area, the complexity of the design, and the individual’s response to the procedure can influence the duration of each session and the overall treatment timeline.

Is there downtime after SMP Scalp Micropigmentention?

While Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a minimally invasive procedure, there is typically some downtime associated with it. Here are common considerations:

  1. Immediate Aftercare: Right after the SMP session, the scalp may be slightly red, and there might be minor swelling or tenderness. This is normal and usually subsides within a day or two.

  2. Avoiding Sun Exposure: It’s advisable to avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds during the initial days after the procedure. Sunscreen should be used to protect the treated area.

  3. Temporary Restrictions: Activities that cause excessive sweating, such as intense workouts, sauna sessions, or swimming, are often restricted for a short period to prevent pigment disruption.

  4. Avoiding Scratching: The scalp may itch during the healing process, but it’s important not to scratch the treated area, as this can affect the outcome.

  5. Resuming Normal Activities: Most individuals can resume their normal activities within a day or two after the SMP procedure. The downtime is relatively short compared to more invasive hair restoration treatments.

  6. Follow-Up Sessions: If multiple sessions are part of the treatment plan, downtime may occur between sessions to allow the scalp to heal before additional pigment is applied.

It’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by our Skin Health & Beauty SMP practitioner to promote proper healing and achieve optimal results. While there is some downtime associated with SMP, it is generally considered minimal, allowing individuals to return to their regular routines relatively quickly.

Can SMP Scalp Micropigmentation be done on any hair colour or skin type?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a versatile procedure that can be performed on various hair colors and skin types. However, the effectiveness of SMP may vary depending on individual characteristics. Here are some considerations:

Hair Color: SMP is generally suitable for individuals with various hair colors, including black, brown, blond, and red. The pigments used in SMP are carefully selected to match the client’s natural hair color, creating a realistic and seamless appearance. Practitioners often customize the pigment shades to achieve the best results for each individual.

Skin Type: SMP can be performed on different skin types, including fair, olive, and darker skin tones. The key is to adjust the pigment color and technique to complement the client’s skin tone, ensuring a natural and harmonious look. Experienced practitioners are skilled at tailoring the SMP process to suit a diverse range of skin types.

It’s important to note that individuals with very light blonde or grey hair may find SMP more challenging, as the contrast between the light hair color and the pigments may be less pronounced. In such cases, our Skin Health & Beauty skilled SMP practitioner will work to create a subtle and natural result.

Before undergoing SMP, it’s recommended to consult with an experienced practitioner. They can assess your hair color, skin type, and individual needs to determine the most suitable approach for achieving the desired results. Customisation is a key aspect of SMP to ensure a tailored and realistic outcome for each client.




Are there any contraindication for SMP?

While Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is generally considered a safe and well-tolerated procedure, there are certain contraindications and considerations that individuals should be aware of. Contraindications are factors or conditions that may make a person unsuitable for the procedure or may require special precautions. Here are some common contraindications for SMP:

  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: SMP is typically not recommended for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  2. Active Skin Conditions: Individuals with active skin conditions on the scalp, such as psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis, may need to address these conditions before undergoing SMP.

  3. Keloid Scarring: People with a tendency to develop keloid scars may need to exercise caution, as SMP involves micro-injuries to the skin.

  4. Blood Clotting Disorders: Individuals with blood clotting disorders may need to consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing SMP.

  5. Immunocompromised Individuals: People with compromised immune systems may need to consult with their healthcare provider to assess the risks and benefits of SMP.

  6. Recent Hair Transplant: Individuals who have recently undergone a hair transplant may need to wait for the scalp to fully heal before considering SMP in the transplant area.

  7. Certain Medications: Some medications may affect the healing process or increase the risk of complications. It’s essential to inform the SMP practitioner about any medications being taken.

  8. Allergies: Individuals with allergies to specific pigments or components used in SMP should inform their practitioner during the consultation.

It’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with our Skin Health & Beauty Clinic’s qualified SMP practitioner before undergoing the procedure. During this consultation, the practitioner can assess your medical history, discuss any existing conditions, and provide personalized advice based on your individual circumstances. Always choose a reputable and experienced practitioner to ensure a safe and successful SMP experience.

Are there any lifestyle restriction after SMP?

While Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a minimally invasive procedure, there are some post-treatment guidelines and lifestyle recommendations to ensure optimal results and a smooth healing process. Here are some general lifestyle considerations after SMP:

  1. Sun Exposure: It’s advisable to avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning beds for the first few days or weeks after SMP. Direct sunlight can potentially affect the healing process and the longevity of the pigments. When exposed to the sun, use sunscreen on the treated area.

  2. Avoiding Excessive Sweating: Activities that lead to excessive sweating, such as intense workouts, saunas, or swimming, should be limited for a brief period after the procedure. Sweating can potentially impact the healing of the scalp.

  3. Gentle Hair Care: Treat the treated area with care when washing and styling your hair. Use mild, non-abrasive shampoos and avoid harsh rubbing or scratching of the scalp.

  4. Avoiding Scratching: Itching is a common part of the healing process, but it’s important not to scratch the treated area. Scratching can disrupt the pigmentation and affect the final results.

  5. Avoiding Hair Products: Some hair products, particularly those with strong chemicals, should be avoided in the immediate post-treatment period. Consult with your SMP practitioner for specific recommendations on hair care products.

  6. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your SMP practitioner. These sessions may be necessary to assess the healing process, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure the pigments are settling correctly.

  7. Patience During Healing: The scalp may be tender, red, or slightly swollen immediately after the procedure. Allow time for the scalp to heal, and be patient during the initial recovery period.

It’s essential to follow the specific aftercare instructions provided by our Skin Health & Beauty Clinic’s SMP practitioner. These guidelines are designed to promote proper healing and enhance the longevity of the SMP results. If you have any concerns or questions about lifestyle restrictions after SMP, discuss them with your practitioner during the consultation or follow-up appointments.

Opening Times

Day Hours
Monday 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00
Friday 9:30 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 12:00

Clinic Address

878, Christchurch road, Bournemouth BH76DJ


07393 770773

Finding us

Our clinic is located on the left hand side of Christchurch Road a few meters away from Kwik Fit towards Iford roundabout, just at the Hannington Road Bus Stop. There is plenty of transport link to Bournemouth, Poole and Chirstchurch all day and free parking outside the clinic for an hour and in the side roads unlimited.